New “Measurement and Control Show Online Plus“
- 日時
- 10月21日(水)~23日(金)・
11月6日(金)~2021年1月16日(土) - 会場
- オンライン
グランキューブ大阪で開催される計測展2020 OSAKAの終了後も関西・大阪ならではの産官学による専門セミナー・講演が視聴できるほか、国内屈指の計測制御機器メーカーの最新技術情報が入手できますので、奮ってご参加ください。
計測展2020 OSAKAのオンライン展示会である「計測展オンライン・プラス」は【10月21日7:00公開スタート】です。
公式サイトで事前登録して、初回だけ登録連携をすることにより、オンライン・プラス限定コンテンツを閲覧することができますので、まずは計測展2020 OSAKA公式サイトトップページのこちらから早めの事前登録をお願いします。
- ・セミナー会場
~ セミナー一覧のアイコンをチェック!受講には公式サイトでの事前登録が必要です~- リアル展示会の会期中、10月21日(水)~23日(金)にのライブ配信を行います。
- リアル展示会終了後、11月6日(金)~2021年1月16日(土)にオンデマンド配信を行います。
- ・展示会場
「計測展のリアル会場には行けないが、新製品や技術情報が欲しい」、「製品導入や計画立案のために、効率的に比較検討したい」という方には、展示会場で最新カタログ・資料のダウンロード入手とデモ動画の視聴がお勧めです。 - ・商談申込みフォーム
- ・セミナー会場
An industry-government-academia collaboration project that brings together promising seeds
Trilogy has its sights set on the world.
Greatly expanded Industry-government-academia collaborative programs packed with the unique characters of Kansai and the Osaka area
- We will be highlighting and evolving the appeal of Kansai and the Osaka area through the integration of industry, government, and academia, which has become a tradition and hallmark of the Measurement and Control Show. In particular, government agencies will be putting on exhibits on an unprecedented scale, featuring bureau chiefs giving keynote speeches and special lectures on government policies and their expectations for industry's push to move on to the next phase as they gear up for the economic restart. Visitors will also be treated to a special symposium sponsored by the Kansai branch of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, as well as a first-time collaborative presentations and a variety of exhibits and conferences presented by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Osaka University, and organizations involved in robotics, startups who specialize in monodzukuri, etc.
- 計測展の伝統と特徴である、産官学が一体化した関⻄・⼤阪の魅力をさらに際立たせて進化させます。特に、公的機関の出展は過去最⼤規模に。経済活動の再開に向け、次フェーズへと突き進む産業界への期待と政策について各局⻑による基調講演や特別講演のほか、⾃動⾞技術会関⻄⽀部による特別協賛シンポジウム、さらに、科学技術振興機構(JST)、⼤阪⼤学、ロボット関連団体、ものづくりに特化したスタートアップ企業などとの初コラボレーション。多彩な展示とカンファレンスにご期待ください。
パネルディスカッション「SDGs for Africa」
SDGs Business in Practice ―― Panel Discussion: SDGs for Africa
[Date & Time] October 23 (Fri) 12:00-14:00
[Venue] Conference Room 1003, 10F
- Eradicating poverty and hunger, promoting renewable energy and taking climate change measures…
Can the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) be met through the use of measurement and control solution? Mr. Nsenda, an architect from the Congo teaching at a university in Japan, will deliver a presentation on the social issues Africa is facing. Panelists from industry, academia and government will explore the possibilities of the compatibility of business and social contribution activities through discussions.
Support for Africa will save Japan.
In this panel discussion, panelists from Africa will talk about the appeal, challenges and possibilities in this great land of unlimited potential, full of resources and youthful energy. Please check out the preview.
- <Moderator>
Mr. NSENDA LUKUMWENA (from the Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Associate Professor, Kobe Institute of Computing / Graduate School of Information Technology
[日時] 10月23日(金)12:00~14:00
[会場] 10階・1003会議室
- 貧困や飢餓の撲滅、再生可能エネルギーの普及、気候変動への対策―― 。
- <モデレーター>
神戸情報大学院大学 教授
NSENDA LUKUMWENA 氏(コンゴ民主共和国 出身)
Industry Research Program for Students “Tour & Networking Event”
[Date & Time] October 23 (Fri) 14:00-16:00
[Meet-up Area] Conference Room 1008, 10F
- See, experience and learn about the future of monodzukuri supported by measurement and control solution
Call for participants! “Tour & Networking Event for Students” - Dress casually!
This tour will provide an easy-to-understand commentary on the latest trends and appeal of measurement and control solution for students majoring in mechanical, electronic and engineering sciences, as well as those studying in the humanities and other fields in Japan.
An exhibition tour will be held as part of an industry research program for university students in the electrical, electronic, and information-related fields from Japan and overseas. This is an excellent opportunity for many students who are interested in manufacturing to learn about the latest trends in smart factories driven by industrial robots and AI, as well as the values and future potential in the areas of quality control, maintenance, inspections, measurements and control solutions which require practical application skills. Marketing staff from exhibiting companies who work on the front lines will be waiting for you to visit their booths (information available in Japanese and English).
Be sure not to miss this opportunity to use the exhibition as a space for self-exploration taking advantage of the strengths of your major!
[日時] 10月23日(金)14:00~16:00
[集合場所] 10階・1008会議室
- 満席
- 計測・制御技術が支える未来のものづくりを見て、触れて、学ぶ
「学生のための見学ツアー&交流会」 - カジュアルな服装でご参加ください!