Pre-registration Information
Please use the “EventRegist” system to advance register for this event.
Please create an “EventRegist” account before you proceed.
- *If this is the first time you are using “EventRegist,” you will be asked to register as a member.
Click here to register as an EventRegist member.
Please also visit the FAQ page for any questions that you may have.
- ※「イベントレジスト」をはじめてご利用になる方は、最初に会員登録が必要です。
Advance registration flow
▼"Advance registration flow" PDF download
- * For any questions on registering with EventRegist, click
- ※イベントレジストへの登録について、ご不明点はこちらをご確認ください。
Grand Cube Osaka (Osaka International Conference Center)
5-3-51 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0005 JAPAN
Direct access from Exit 2 of the Nakanoshima (Osaka International Conference Center) Station on the Keihan Train Nakanoshima Line
Please click here for detailed access information.
Visiting from the Kansai International Airport |
Visiting from the Osaka International Airport (Itami Airport) |
Visiting by Shinkansen (Bullet Train) (Shin-Osaka Station) |
Local access |
〒530-0005 大阪府大阪市北区中之島5丁目3-51
関西空港からのご来場 |
大阪国際空港(伊丹)からのご来場 |
新幹線(新大阪)からのご来場 |
周辺アクセス |
At the venue
- Q:Please tell me about your admission process.
- A:Visitors must carry a Visitor Certificate to be admitted into the venue.
To advance register, please use the “EventRegist” system. Please create an “EventRegist” account before you proceed.
To receive a Visitor Certificate, we ask for your personal information including name, address, phone number, and email address, and also ask you to fill out a questionnaire. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
You can receive your Visitor Certificate in one of the following ways.
A holder for your Visitor Certificate will be provided at the gate.
- ①Advance register online (free of charge)
Enter the required information on the registration form.
Once you are done, you will receive an email message confirming your registration. A PDF file of your Visitor Certificate will be attached to this email. Please color-print this at A4 size and bring it with you to the gate on the day of your visit.
(You can also download your Visitor Certificate [PDF ticket] from the “My Tickets” page on EventRegist)
Please click here to advance register. - ②Register with your invitation card on the day of your visit (free of charge)
Please fill out all required information on your invitation card. Bring your card and two of your own business cards to the general admissions counter. - ③ Purchase a Visitor Certificate at the gate (1,000 yen per person)
Throughout the duration of the event, visitors can purchase a Visitor Certificate at the gate for 1,000 (taxes included).
Free admission for students. Please visit the general admissions counter with your student certificate.
To purchase a Visitor Certificate, we ask for your personal information including name, address, phone number, and email address, and also ask you to fill out a questionnaire. Thank you in advance for your understanding. - ④Visiting online
By advance registering, you will be able to view some seminars on video after the close of the actual event on the My Tickets page on EventRegist.
We will let you know on our official web site on when these videos will be available.
- ①Advance register online (free of charge)
- Q:入場方法を教えてください
- A:本展への入場には参加証が必要です。
- ①Webでの事前登録(無料)
事前登録は、こちらから。 - ②招待券持参による当日登録(無料)
招待券に必要事項をご記入のうえ、お名刺2枚とともに総合受付にお持ちください。 - ③会場にて参加証を購入(1名につき¥1,000)
ご購入の際、お名前、ご住所、電話番号、E-mail、アンケート等の個人情報のご提供が必須になりますので、ご協力ください。 - ④オンライン参加
- ①Webでの事前登録(無料)
The advance registration process
- Q:Can more than one visitor register in one application?
- A:No. One application must be made for each visitor.
- Q:Registration has closed for a seminar we wished to attend. What should we do?
- A:Registration for this seminar is now closed as applications have already reached capacity.
Seats may become available on the day of the seminar depending on the number of people who arrive. Please ask directly at the seminar venue. - Q:What are your reception hours?
- A:As part of our efforts to control COVID-19 infections, we ask you to choose your time of visit when you advance register.
Depending on the number of visitors in the venue, we may place limits on admissions and ask you to wait before you can enter. Thank you in advance for your understanding. - Q:I have an invitation card. Do I still need to advance register online?
- A:We recommend that you do so to ensure that your admission goes smoothly. Please click here to advance register.
(Visitors with invitation cards will be asked to register at the gate on the day of their visit. Please fill out all required information on the back of your invitation card, and bring your card and two of your own business cards to the general admissions counter.)
- Q:複数人の申し込みを一度にできますか
- A:お手数ですが、お一人ずつお申し込みください。
- Q:受講したいセミナーが、すでに締め切られている
- A:既に多数のお申込をいただいておりますため、締め切らせていただきました。
当日、お席の空き次第では当日参加も受付ますので、直接セミナー会場にてお問合せください。 - Q:受付時間について
- A:新型コロナウイルス感染予防対策として、事前登録時にご来場時間を選択いただきます。
展示会場内の人数が多い場合には、入場制限をし、お待ちいただく場合がございます。予めご了承ください。 - Q:招待券を持っているが、webからの事前登録は必要ですか
- A:スムーズにご入場いただける、webからの事前登録をお勧めします。事前登録は、こちらから。
After you register
- Q:I can’t find my Visitors Certificate. Where can I find it?
- A:There should be a PDF file of your Visitors Certificate attached to the email we sent you confirming your advance registration.
(If you are unable to open the PDF file, please click on the link in this email message to download your Certificate.)
Or visit EventRegist (https://eventregist.com/?lang=ja_JP) and go to “My Tickets” and click on “Measurement and Control Show” to display your PDF ticket.
Then download and print this ticket. - Q:I cannot print the Visitors Certificate/I am not set up to print documents.
- A:We provide a printer at the general admissions counter. Please visit us here on the day of your visit.
- Q:I would like to make additions or changes to the information on my application.
- A:You can check and change the details of your registration ticket on the EventRegist site on the “My Tickets” page.
To log in, click on the URL in the email, or visit the EventRegist top page (https://eventregist.com/?lang=ja_JP).
On the “My Tickets” page, go to the “Selected session information” tab, and click on “Change the selected session information” to make your additions or changes.
Once you do, the applicant will receive an email message titled “Changes to your registration information.“ You can also download your Visitors Certificate on the My Tickets page.
- Q:参加証が見当たらないのですが、どこにありますか?
- A:事前登録完了のお知らせメールにPDFが添付されています。
印刷/ダウンロードをお願いいたします。 - Q:参加証を印刷できない/印刷できる環境にない
- A:当日、総合受付にてプリンターをご用意しております。お立ち寄りください。
- Q:申込内容を追加・変更したい
- A:申込チケットの詳細は、イベントレジストの【マイチケット】ページで確認、変更することができます。
メール内のURL、またはイベントレジスト トップページ(https://eventregist.com/?lang=ja_JP)からログイン。
On the day of your visit
- Q:What should I bring with me?
- A:Please bring a copy of your Visitors Certificate color-printed at A4 size on the day of your visit.
A holder for your Visitor Certificate will be provided at the gate. - Q:What measures do you take for avoiding the 3-Cs (closed spaces, crowding and close contact) in the exhibition venue?
- A: Depending on the number of visitors in the venue, we may place limits on admissions and ask you to wait before you can enter. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
- Q:What measures do you take for avoiding the 3-Cs (closed spaces, crowding and close contact) in seminar venues?
- A:Due to limited seating capacities, visitors may be refused entry to seminars even if they have registered ahead of time. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
In cases where seat vacancies become available, entry on an at-the-door basis will begin roughly five minutes before the seminars begin.
Please make sure to arrive early. Please also keep in mind that videos of some seminars will be made available online after the actual event closes. - Q:Can I attend seminars as a walk-in visitor?
- A:Entry on an at-the-door basis may be available depending on seat vacancies available before the seminars begin. Please ask directly at the respective reception desks of the seminars you are interested in.
If you have any other questions, please contact the Visitor Registration Administrative Office by email.
Visitor Registration Administrative Office: mcs-regi@c-linkage.co.jp
- Q:何を持っていけばよいですか
- A:参加証をA4サイズでカラー印刷して、当日会場にご持参ください。
参加証を入れるホルダーは会場にご用意しています。 - Q:展示会場の3密回避対策ついて
- A:展示会場内の人数が多い場合には、入場制限をし、お待ちいただく場合がございます。予めご了承ください。
- Q:セミナー会場の3密回避対策について
- A:お席に限りがありますので、事前にお申込みされたセミナーでも入室をお断りする場合があります。予めご了承ください。
お早目のご来場をお願いいたします。なお、会期終了後、一部のセミナーの動画を公開する予定です。 - Q:当日とびこみでセミナーの受講ができますか
- A:開始前の空席状況により当日受付を行います。各セミナー会場に受付がございますので、直接お問合せください。
After the event closes
- Q:How do I view the seminars?
- A: By advance registering, you will be able to view some seminars on video after the close of the actual event on the My Tickets page on EventRegist.
We will let you know on our official web site on when these videos will be available.
- Q:セミナーの視聴について
- A:事前登録いただくと、会期後に、イベントレジストのマイチケットページから、一部セミナーの動画をご覧いただけます。
In Response to COVID-19
Measures for preventing COVID-19 infections
Please read below for our requests to guests and reminders on measures for preventing COVID-19 infections.
- - Alcohol dispensers for disinfecting hands and fingers are provided in various areas throughout the venue.
- - Common areas, such as washrooms and lobbies, as well as elevator buttons and other surfaces that receive frequent human contact are disinfected periodically.
- - Limits have been placed on the capacities of each venue to maintain a distance of at least one meter between visitors.
- - The layout of exhibition venue has been arranged to help us avoid crowding.
- - Aisles in the exhibition venue have been widened and steps have have been taken to ensure good ventilation.
- - Ample space is provided between seats in seminar venues, and an advance registration program is in place as a way to avoid overcrowding in seminar venues.
- - A medical office is available in the venue.
- - In the event that a guest is found to be infected, organizers reserve the right to immediately contact all contacts provided in the visitor’s or exhibitor’s registration.
- - Please click below for additional information on measures taken by the operators of the Osaka International Conference Center, the venue of this exhibition.
- ・本展示会では、会場内各所に手指消毒用のアルコールポンプを設置しております。
- ・トイレ、ロビーの共用部やエレベーターのボタン等“人が頻繁に触れる部分”を定期的 に消毒しております。
- ・各会場における収容人数を制限しております。対人距離最低1mを確保します。
- ・密とならないよう展示会場レイアウトを考慮します。
- ・会場内通路幅の十分な確保をし、換気の配慮をします。
- ・セミナー会場における座席間隔を確保し、受講事前登録制により密にならないセミナー運営をします。
- ・会場内には医務室を設置します。
- ・主催者は参加者の感染者が確認された場合、来場登録および出展者登録で取得したすべての連絡先へ速やかに連絡します。
- ・その他、本展示会会場である大阪国際会議場における取り組みの詳細については、以下をご確認ください。
Requests to our guests
- - We use thermography to check visitors’ temperatures. As a general rule, visitors with a temperature of 37.5ºC or higher will be refused entry.
- - Visitors are asked to observe infection prevention practices including the wearing of masks, and hand-washing and gargling. Please also make sure to observe coughing etiquette when you need to cough.
- - Please refrain from visiting the venue if you have a fever, are coughing, or have pain involving your entire body.
- - At this exhibition, we recommend non-concentrated visits, and visitors are asked to provide the date and time they plan to attend at the time of their advance registration.
- - In order to avoid the 3-Cs (closed spaces, crowding and close contact) in the venue, the organizer will be checking for overcrowding and may limit admissions if necessary. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
- - Visitors will be asked to register with the Osaka Corona Tracking System at the venue.
Please click here for system details. - - In the event that a guest is found to be infected with the COVID-19 virus, organizers reserve the right to disclose the minimum required personal information to government agencies and local municipalities for the purpose of, but not limited to, identifying their route of infection.
Thank you in advance for your understanding.
- ・サーモグラフィーを用いた体温測定を実施し、37.5度以上の方は原則として入場をお断りいたします。
- ・マスクの着用や、手洗い/うがいの励行などの感染防止対策を心がけられるとともに、咳エチケット等にもご配慮いただきますようお願いいたします。
- ・発熱・咳・全身痛などの症状がある方は来場をご遠慮ください。
- ・本展示会では、分散来場を推奨しており、ご来場予定日時を事前登録時にお伺いしております。
- ・会場内の3密回避のため主催者の責任にて密集(混雑状況)をチェックし、入場制限を行う可能性があります。ご了承ください。
- ・会場にて大阪コロナ追跡システムへの登録をお願いいたします。
システム詳細はこちらから。 - ・新型コロナウイルス感染者発生時には感染経路特定等の理由により最低限必要となる個人情報を政府機関・自治体の要請により開示することがあります。